Some of my later goals are very tight such as the path finding but I'm hoping that with me getting all these little goals out of the way, I'll have more time for those. I've also got 2 weeks at the end of my schedule for bug finding as well as finishing any missed features/putting in extra features. I think this may go well. It won't be the cleanest, best designed system out there but it'll get done.
This milestone was to get a mouse on screen as well as have it move the camera around on a plane above the playing field. It's exactly like other RTS games where the edges move the camera. I have the ability to pitch the camera while still having it move on the plane above the playing field. This can be used to test out various angles until it feels right. It is currently disabled because it was hooked to the mouse and that was obviously not going to work with mouse scrolling.
The screenshot shows the new location that has been reached with only using the mouse. It's not the greatest of screenshot features but it's a very important feature that I needed. As you can see in both pictures, I already have a robot mesh loaded which I may end up using if I can't get any other mesh inside of OGRE. This was milestone 3 which is currently done in terms of loading a mesh. I will continue to try and convert other game formats to .mesh but that can be done at any time. I am going to work on a TeamUnits class which will manage all the units for a team. It will start off by being able to create and remove units from a team. That's pretty much it for milestone 3 so expect an update on that soon.
Screenshot: 1280x1024x32 - No AA - Default ATI settings