Thursday, July 12, 2007

Particle Systems

I've implemented the ability to spawn existing particle systems in the editor. Currently, there are no properties exposed to adjust them but that's fairly trivial to do. They are saved as well which fell out automatically.

I am going to have to write some internal editor to allow creation and customization of particle systems. You'll need to be able to add emitters and changers and stuff like that. This should all be done through the editor and then the properties of each emitter, such as the material it uses, will be exposed in the properties view for easy configuration.

I am currently working on creating a wrapper for the ManualObjects in Ogre. These are going to be the hardest thing to create one for I think. I need to be able to go backwards to support undo/redo which Ogre doesn't have any functionality for. I'd rather not change the source of Ogre since I want this editor to be entirely external so I'll need to manually keep track of how to rebuilt a certain part of the ManualObject and when you undo, I'll scrape what it is there and then rebuilt it. It's pretty brute force but it should work until I come up with another solution.

I'll be using this to create the grid that is normally visible in editors. It won't be terribly robust at first but I think it can get there. I'd love to be able to create simple geometry in the editor and then be able to convert it to mesh and export it. This is great for quickly prototyping things. It will not be a replacement for a professional modeling tool but it should let you create a house or something simple without loading up 3ds Max or something.

On a personal note, I haven't been sleeping at all lately. I was up until 8am today and got an hour and a halfs worth of sleep before I went to work and told them I couldn't come in. I came home expecting to sleep but after 2 attempts, I failed. I haven't done much today since I am utterly exhausted but I am able to post a blog of what I accomplished last night :)

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