Sunday, December 16, 2007

"I like to move it, move it"

The translate tool is done. I had changed how the selection manager was processing events which required some changes to the tools. I also was getting some strange issues with control focus and wxWidgets which ended up getting solved. I had to force the render panel to get focus when it was clicked.

One of the major down falls to switching over was that I wasn't NULL'ing out my pointers in Managed C++ since this was done for me. Now that I'm using C++, this has come back to haunt my debugging dreams. I've made a large pass over the code base and have initialized all my variables in the constructor but there are still some NULLs getting passed around that somehow worked in Managed C++. Who knows. It's all getting solved and it's making the code more stable with every step.

I am going to see about implementing the next plugin which is the Sample Exporter. At least this will let me load up the larger scenes that I had saved before. I'm tired of looking at a single test OgreHead. I am really not sure how I'm going to write out all of the variables right now. With .NET, I could write a converter that would parse from/to a string which meant that I could use this for my PropertyGrid display as well as for writing out to a file. Since C++ doesn't natively support this, I believe I am going to write a 'converter' class which will take a specific type and be able to parse to/from a string. For most types, I can convert *to* a string using Ogre's built in StringConverter class. I'll have to convert back from a string but worse things have happened. I believe once I have this, I'll be able to say Convert::toString( const Any& someObject ) and based on the value returned from Any::getType, I'll be able to match it to a specific converter and it'll be written out. The joy of this is that the exporter won't need to know how to save any particular value. The down side is that in the future, if the converter changes, there isn't really any way to know about it from an exporter point of view. That is, data could be written out with v1.0 of TypeX Converter but then that could be replaced with v2.0 of TypeX Converter which no longer recognizes that particular format. I'm sure I'll think of something other than just crashing :)

It's nice being able to finally put a scene together. Here is my current progress:

Base Editor: 95%

Basic Align Tools: 0%
Basic Object Editors: 0%
Properties Window: 0%
Sample Exporter: 0%
Basic Gizmos: 50% - Translate is done, the others are extremely similar to it
Basic Object Factories: 100%
Scene Graph Window: 100%
Resource Browser: 100%

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